Integrated asset & liability and treasury management.
Market risk
Earnings at risk
Treasury management
Stress testing
Market risk.
Our asset and liability management solutions provide detailed analysis and assists understanding of market risk exposure in relation to your limits such as principal gap, sensitivity (PVBP, delta) and Value at Risk.
Earnings at risk.
Forecasting and stress testing of interest income and interest expense, providing detailed understanding of net interest margin.
Treasury management.
A fully functional Treasury Management solution with multiple user access and multi-layered portfolio structure covering all treasury aspects such as deal capture, counterparty and ratings management, holiday calendars, cashflow mapping, accounting, settlements and independent market valuation of treasury products with formula transparency.
Stress testing.
Allows for multiple scenarios and stress tests of your portfolio. The scenarios can include a single variable or a combination of the following variables: interest rate movements, balance changes, prepayment speed, “sticky” reallocation, forward rates, hedges and volatility.
Powerful and dynamic reporting with historical comparisons and drill-down functionality and the ability to create tailored and scheduled reports with easy to add explanatory notes.
Why Protecht ALM?
Integrated ALM and TMS
A flexible solution to suit the needs of your organisation, whether it be a comprehensive Asset Liability Management risk system, integrated Treasury and Risk Management software (TMS) or stand-alone TMS.
Monitor breaches against your limits for your key risk measures: Value at Risk, Sensitivity, Earnings at Risk, credit exposure and volume limits.
Data import
Map product codes and tiers to your core banking system.
Powerful and dynamic reporting with historical comparisons and drill-down functionality. The ability to create tailored and scheduled reports with easy to add explanatory notes.
Clearly define segregated roles within the system and assign specific functionality to Treasurers, Risk Managers & Operations staff.
Our treasury management software gives you access to global resources allowing accurate and timely refixing and revaluation of your treasury products.
Flexible form design for deal capture and easily configured assumptions for risk calculations. Multiple portfolio and counterparty setup. Easy to configure accounting entries for GL interface.
Customer success