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Protecht thought leadership webinar

Risk & control self-assessments. How to unlock enterprise value.

On-demand webinar

This session will reinvigorate your risk assessment process and provide you with an approach that fully engages with the business and delivers real value. 

This webinar will cover:

    1. Objectives of the risk and control self-assessment process
    2. A foolproof assessment methodology that will engage your front line business
    3. Tips on running a health check workshop
    4. A focus on ensuring data quality and relevance
    5. Reporting assessment results
    6. Integrating risk assessment into your wider ERM program


David Tattam

Chief Research and Content Officer, Protecht

Watch the recorded webinar

Key information and topics covered 

The Risk and Control Self Assessment process is the foundation of any enterprise's health checks. However, in many organizations, this key process has become a tick-the-box exercise with little real engagement from the business. Join our webinar to find out how you can escape this pitfall and keep your risk assessment process relevant and valuable.

We all need a periodic medical health check to be aware of any medical risks and issues in our bodies. Our enterprises need the same.

About the presenters

Chief Research and Content Officer, Protecht

David Tattam is the Chief Research & Content Officer and co-founder of the Protecht Group. David's vision is to redefine the way the world thinks about risk and to develop risk management to its rightful place as being a key driver of value creation in each of Protecht's customers.

David is the driving force in taking Protecht's risk thinking to the frontiers of what is possible in risk management and to support the uplift of people risk capability through training and content.