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Protecht is now Climate Active carbon neutral certified.

In 2024, Protecht recognised that, as an organization, we could do more to enhance our environmental, social, and governance (ESG) impact. One significant opportunity identified was achieving carbon neutrality. Just 10 months later, Protecht is thrilled to announce that we have officially been certified as carbon neutral. We have made choices and changes in the way we do business to ensure our carbon emissions are accounted for and balanced to gain this certification.

What does it mean to be carbon neutral? Climate Active explains it here:

“To become carbon neutral, businesses calculate the greenhouse gas emissions generated by their activity, such as fuel or electricity use and travel. They reduce these emissions as much as possible by investing in new technology or changing the way they operate. Any remaining emissions can be 'cancelled out' by purchasing carbon offsets. Carbon offset units are generated from activities that prevent, reduce or remove greenhouse gas emissions from being released into the atmosphere. When the offsets purchased by an organization equal the emissions produced, they are carbon neutral.”
Climate Active

How Protecht achieved carbon neutrality

Protecht was certified by Climate Active, a program to drive climate action. To meet these rigorous standards, Protecht underwent a comprehensive review of its business practices and looked at ways in which the company could offset its footprint.

Protecht purchased carbon credits as part of this process, supporting key environmental projects, including:

  • Catchment Conservation Alliance - Great Barrier Reef Initiative Site #6
  • Lower Lila Native Forest Protection Project
  • Wayang Windu Phase 2 Geothermal Power Project

Why we took this action

The decision to achieve carbon neutrality aligns with the urgent global call to action against climate change, as highlighted in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report[1]. This report underscores the need to limit global warming to 1.5°C by drastically reducing greenhouse gas emissions to mitigate severe risks to ecosystems, economies, and communities.

Moving forward Protecht is committed to reduce our emissions per employee (before offsetting) by 50% by the calendar year 2026, based on the calendar 2023 base year.

About Protecht

While others fear risk, we embrace it. For over 20 years, Protecht has redefined the way people think about risk. We enable smarter risk taking by our customers to drive their resilience and sustainable success.  

We help you increase performance through better understanding, monitoring and management of risk. We provide a complete solution of risk management, compliance, training, advisory and consulting services to businesses, regulators and governments across the world.

Our Protecht ERM SaaS platform lets you manage your risks in one place: risks, compliance, incidents, KRIs, vendor risk, IT and cyber risk, operational resilience, business continuity management, and more.

About Climate Active

Climate Active is an Australian Government program that drives voluntary climate action by businesses. The brand represents Australia’s collective effort to measure, reduce, and offset carbon emissions to lessen our negative impact on the environment.


[1] IPCC report