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Thought leadership webinar

From controls chaos to controls assurance.

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Think of controls as the safety net for your organization – are there holes in your net? Do you want to find out after someone falls through, or to check that the net is effective first? 

Controls management is an integral part of risk and compliance management but can often end up in disarray.

  • Controls can proliferate, leading to unnecessary duplication.
  • The purpose of the controls themselves may not be fully understood, and testing methods can be inconsistently applied.
  • Additionally, there is often limited visibility over the control assurance program – a strong level of assurance promotes confidence which can enable smart risk-taking. 

Protecht’s Chief Research & Content Officer, David Tattam, and our Research & Content Lead, Michael Howell explore how you can build a robust controls assurance program and bring it to life.

If you have ever questioned the effectiveness of your internal controls or worry about redundant or misunderstood controls and inconsistent testing methods, this webinar is designed for you.


David Tattam

Chief Research and Content Officer, Protecht

Michael Howell

Senior Manager, Research & Content, Protecht

Key information and topics covered:

  • The objectives of controls assessment and assurance in compliance and risk programs
  • How to control objectives underpin your controls assurance program 
  • Assessing the effectiveness of controls 
  • Consolidating controls assurance at different levels of the organization 
  • Aligning with common internal control frameworks 
  • Defining roles and responsibilities for controls assurance 
  • Navigating the maturity journey for controls 
  • Integrating controls assurance into existing systems and processes 
  • Preview Protecht ERM’s new controls assurance features

Who will benefit:

  • Chief compliance officers 
  • Compliance managers and regulatory compliance managers 
  • Chief risk officers / heads of risk 
  • Risk managers 

About the presenters

Chief Research and Content Officer, Protecht

David Tattam is the Chief Research & Content Officer and co-founder of the Protecht Group. David's vision is to redefine the way the world thinks about risk and to develop risk management to its rightful place as being a key driver of value creation in each of Protecht's customers.

David is the driving force in taking Protecht's risk thinking to the frontiers of what is possible in risk management and to support the uplift of people risk capability through training and content.

Senior Manager, Research & Content, Protecht

Michael Howell is Protecht's Research and Content Lead. He is passionate about the field of risk management and related disciplines, with a focus on helping organisations succeed using a ‘decisions eyes wide open’ approach.

Michael is a Certified Practicing Risk Manager whose curiosity drives his approach to challenge the status quo and look for innovative solutions.