Key Topics Covered:
- Conduct Risk Library: Overview of key conduct risk events and the Conduct Risk Group Scorecard.
- Conduct Risk Assessment: How conduct risks are assessed and linked to customer impact incidents.
- Product Governance and Risk Assessment: A high-level look at product governance, risk assessment, and the importance of a product risk dashboard.
- Testing and Assurance: Demonstration of testing templates and dashboards, focusing on linking incidents and breaches to Consumer Duty obligations.
- Obligations Management: Exploration of the Obligations Library, showing how Consumer Duty obligations are linked to products, policies, and tasks for Line 1 Users.
- Metrics and Dashboards: Walkthrough of the Consumer Duty Dashboard, with a focus on filtering by the four key pillars, assessing vulnerabilities, and managing metrics through MyTasks.
This session will highlight how these tools and processes ensure compliance, enhance consumer outcomes, and build trust.